Be Happy, Always!

Hey Guys! It’s been quite some time since I’ve been able to blog. Can you believe it has taken me a month to get settled and going? My excuse is that I’m young!
In the past month I have learned so much and what it really means to, “be on your own.” Making your own decisions, paying bills on time, and dealing with life’s trials and tribulations… alone. No more best friends, sister’s down the hall, or family down the street. And that is ok, because this my friend is a part of growing up. Things happen at particular times and I am thankful for all of these things. A few weeks ago I was very unhappy. I never had time to blog, I was stressing about school, I broke out because of an allergic reaction and I was low on funds. I wash’t happy, and so I had to make a decision. Continue waking up every morning doing what I am doing and stay unhappy or get up and fix it. I chose to fix it, and now I am blogging again, going to shows, and doing all the things that make me happy!

I hope everyone is having a lovely week and remember.. .Be happy, always!! xoxo